I'm thinking of never answering the phone again
07.10.01 - 7:05 pm

Sometimes I get lost in myself, in my anger, in my frustration.

I get disappointed in the world, and I question its motivations, like it's some kind of sentient force working against me.

Then I get my wits about me and I realize that all this doesn't work against me, it works around me. I am but a leaf in the stream of everything. I am inconsequential to the operation of the universe, and thus no harm nor windfall could ever be deliberate.

For some reason, that puts me less at ease.

Early today, I received a phone call from an irate woman who demanded that I stop "talking shit" about her and her boyfriend. What is interesting is that I never talk shit about her or her boyfriend, and there is really no line of communication between us that could pass such a feeling.

I don't like it when someone tries to scuttle my ship when I'm not looking.

She went into detail on a number of items I am alleged to have said to others about them. Every word was a bizarre revelation to leave me further baffled.

The only person that was named as a source of this information is a person I never spent any time around. It's strange how I've never had a conversation that lasted over two minutes with this person, yet she claims to have intimate knowledge of things that I say about other people.

Strange how this person is the girlfriend of my least favored roommate.

Folks, I just don't understand. I've known this couple for as long as they've been together. I went to grade school with this guy. I was around for one of their first dates in the sixth grade. Strange that with all that history, my word carries less weight then someone's girlfriend that they've known for a little over a year.

I tried to explain how I didn't say any of the things that were attributed to me, and I tried to detail how no trustworthy source could have possibly heard me saying anything remotely derogatory.

She ended the conversation with "Okay, well that's fine and all, but I still don't believe you".

I wasn't expecting to have a slap in the face along with my breakfast.

< Regress - Progress >


Last Five Issues

06.17.04 - Caio is not italian for food

04.20.04 - homeless?

03.27.04 - best of

03.07.04 - production report

02.04.04 - milk, not buttermilk

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