i'm antsy under affection
06.27.01 - 10:08 pm

I�m retarded, but at least I�m aware of it.

The simple truth is that my brain is not wired to accept someone�s attraction. It unsettles me. It spins the world on a different axis. I think stupid things that people shouldn�t think.

Do I even like this person that way? If I started something and then realized I didn�t feel anything, how uncomfortable would that become? Where would this take me? How long would this last? What if I met someone else? How could I break up with this person if I had feelings for another girl?

The word is out that someone likes me and I�m already dissecting the potential methods of breaking up with her.

Like I said, I�m retarded...but at least I�m aware of it.

This sort of panic is my mind�s clever way of keeping me alone for the rest of my life. It�s the deep internal loathing that attracts me to unobtainable women and ushers me away from healthy potential. You psyche students out there have a name for it and a small list of potential causes.

Mine�s on that list somewhere.

Sure I�m crazy, but I know exactly what kind of crazy I am, and that puts me one step ahead of the self-oblivious people who haven�t even noticed their insanity yet.

I�ve got mine all spread out and dissected.

Grab a fork and dig in.

< Regress - Progress >


Last Five Issues

06.17.04 - Caio is not italian for food

04.20.04 - homeless?

03.27.04 - best of

03.07.04 - production report

02.04.04 - milk, not buttermilk

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