dear diaryland
04.26.02 - 12:52 pm

Dear Diaryland,

I am a neglectful spouse, and for that I apologize. I�ve been off in my own world, being sick, working like a mule, and generally attending to that whole life thing.

And all this time you�ve been here waiting for me, eager to hear about my day.

I could blame it on a number of things. That endless cold I had with the on-again/off-again ear infection. The regular job and it�s usual lackadaisical demands. The side job and it�s temporary nocturnal demands. The endless legal posturing between me and my former scumbag landlord.

I could blame it on all the difficulties in my life right now...but those are just excuses, and we said we�d never make excuses.

Remember when we first met? How every experience together was all butterflies and energy? Well, somewhere along the way, I think we lost a little bit of appreciation for each other. We came to take something for granted, and that loving supportive relationship became just a casual fling.

I want the �old us� back. I want to spend time with you again. I want to just sit around with a cup of there, behind the, in my PJ�s. Just sit together and explore the world from the comfort of this chair.

Diary, I�m sorry for not being here for you. If we want this relationship to work, I think we need to try harder. Make more time for each other, even if it�s just to say �Hey there, I hate my life�.

There is so much I need to talk to you about, but I�ve been so short on time. So baby, I promise...when this side project is over, I�ll make time for you. I swear.

Yours forever,


< Regress - Progress >


Last Five Issues

06.17.04 - Caio is not italian for food

04.20.04 - homeless?

03.27.04 - best of

03.07.04 - production report

02.04.04 - milk, not buttermilk

All text and images � 2001, 2002, 2003