the beanpole talks to me
04.04.02 - 4:31 pm

I was waiting outside for my coworker at the beginning of our lunch break, debating Chinese versus Filafel. Casually leaning against the police barricade on the sidewalk, I admired all the beautiful people congregating, socializing.

I am cool, calm and collected.

Then I see the cute Australian beanpole walk out of the building, all pastel and warm, floating on a cloud of air.

Instantly, I smile.

Remaining cool, calm and collected, I turned my gaze far down the street so that I could look back at her casually while she walked by me on her way to wherever. That would appear far more cool calm and collected then openly leering at her as she passed by.

That was my plan.

But when I looked back in hopes to catch her passing by, I was stunned to find her standing two feet away from me.


At me.

I am not cool, calm or collected.

She begins by saying "I just have to tell you how much you remind me of my brother", then continues about how I have some of the same facial expressions as her sibling. This prompts me to detail some of the quirky facial expressions I�ve noticed in her.

Without realizing, we�ve both just admitted to the fact that we stare when the other one isn�t looking.

We trade smiles and casual conversation. I ask her about her classes next semester. She says got one with me again.

Tiny smile, huge elation.

I am intimidated. She stands as tall as I, if not taller. Her eyes are glossy Icelandic blue, and they drill into you with intense persistence. Her smile disarms you, renders you powerless with warmth, the way Audrey did.

She�s a princess pretending to be common, and I am Gregory Peck.

I want a peck on the lips.

She says that she�s got to get going, and we reluctantly part ways.

As she slowly turns to walk away, her eyes do not leave me. She smiles, gazing at me as she turns down the street and we hold each other�s eyes for an inordinate amount of time before finally breaking the embrace.

No, I don�t think I imagined that.

I think she might actually be into me.

< Regress - Progress >


Last Five Issues

06.17.04 - Caio is not italian for food

04.20.04 - homeless?

03.27.04 - best of

03.07.04 - production report

02.04.04 - milk, not buttermilk

All text and images � 2001, 2002, 2003