01.15.02 - 9:32 pm

It's so very hard to stay tipsy these days.

Like the weight of the earth beneath your feet pulls all the alcohol out of your brain at all the inappropriate moments, changing momentary delight into routine unspontenaity.

I want everything to be magical, but I am constantly taking arms against a tide of monotony. This world conspires to make my life ordinary, unlike the dream state I aspire to live in, and you folks aren't making things any easier.

Where are all the giggly times I see in cigarette adds? The random sexual experimentation I hear about in Trojan commercials? The endless rock-and-roll party I dreamed of as a teen???

Life holds no giggles, no rock-and-roll, and no sexy smiles pointed my way.

I want to live for the moment, but moments have got to mean more then this...don't they?

< Regress - Progress >


Last Five Issues

06.17.04 - Caio is not italian for food

04.20.04 - homeless?

03.27.04 - best of

03.07.04 - production report

02.04.04 - milk, not buttermilk

All text and images � 2001, 2002, 2003