the world ponders my hair
06.25.01 - 4:46 pm

In the ongoing saga of hair...

CEJ inquired as to the current situation of my doo, and to answer that question: the situation has not improved due to lack of action.

When I first arrived here at my mother�s house, I took a pair of scissors to it in a fit of frustration. This trimmed the overall length, but left me with a lopsided hairstyle that was "little boy" at best. Somehow I acquired bangs in the process and that complicated matters further.

A few more days of random trimmings caused the situation to stabilize, and I have done nothing further to try and accentuate the positive whilst eliminating the negative.

I�ve been spending a lot of time in my darkroom, processing a modest batch of prints, and thus I have not had the time to consider any cosmetic changes. For those of you keeping track, the online poll is leaning towards the short and messy hairstyle. I might just put that plan into action before I return to the big apple.

In related news, today I received an e-mail with some Zen-like hair advice. I'm reprinting it here, save for the authors name, so that you all may enjoy the imagery.

"Your hair should be like the leaves of a big tree. It should be big, almost like an afro, or curly. especially since you said you have a big forehead. If your hair is soft and falls flat on your head, keep it greasy and twist it in your fingers so that it always stays up. Imagine yourself as a tree, especially if you are a skinny boy, and then you'll understand the haircut you need."

While this may not be the course I follow, it just might be the most thought-out advice I�ve received regarding appearances.

Kudos to you, unnamed stranger.

< Regress - Progress >


Last Five Issues

06.17.04 - Caio is not italian for food

04.20.04 - homeless?

03.27.04 - best of

03.07.04 - production report

02.04.04 - milk, not buttermilk

All text and images � 2001, 2002, 2003