vote for me
01.31.04 - 2:48 pm

Here's a political prediction you can bet on: there is no possible way for John Kerry to become President in this upcoming election. The most he could hope for is about 30% of the popular vote, and I doubt he could capture more then ten states.

It's difficult to understand the way that people vote in this country because our whole system has become so convoluted. We are at the mercy of two major parties, who through no grant of the constitution, have enslaved the voters in this country. The Republicans and Democrats have established a duopoly of government access, and as a prerequisite for participation, we're forced to choose between.

Us or them, black and white.

The problem is that most of us fall into they gray. Our issues are not properly addressed by either party, and because there is never a viable alternative, we're constantly forced to compromise on which party we support.

What political strategists don't understand is that the majority of people in this country vote against a candidate rather then for his opponent. We get behind one guy because we don't like the other, not because we're actually supporting anyone.

John Kerry is a career politician with little to show for it. He seems to have spent a lifetime in congress, toeing the party line and spewing the accepted democratic doctrine. He is unoriginal, unchallenging, and uninspired.

A rich, well-educated elitist northerner with the face of a mortician.

There was a time in this country when the best and brightest sought public office and viewed it as a form of stewardship rather then as a profitable long-term career. After hundreds of years of erosion, our elected government is filled with the dregs of upper-class society, elitist failures pedaling votes for contributions.

Democrats expect us to vote for John Kerry because he is the lesser of the two evils, but I find that to be unacceptable criteria in selecting a president. We should not be forced to vote against the person we want the least, we're supposed to pick the person we want the most.

I don't know how to make sense of the world these days. Nothing pleases me, nothing inspires me.

everything is inevitable.

Your vocabulary word for the day:

Jingoism - n. Chauvinism marked by the advocacy of an aggressive foreign policy. -jingoist, n. -jingoistic, adj.

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