05.29.02 - 9:43 am

While it is true that many people enjoy reading this diary, there is only one Official Number One Fan.

She happened upon my diary after only the third entry, way back on May 7th, 2001. Since then she�s been reading regularly for the past year, offering constant encouragement and appreciation along the way. She even asked me to marry her at one point.

I regretfully declined.

It was my loss.

The Official Number One Fan is named Kristi and she writes a diary over at I�m sure you know her, she is popular to the tune of 280 fans. Many of you probably stumbled here from her favorites page.

As a side note, the Official Junior Number One Fan is a girl named Val who writes over at She�s been reading almost as long as her pal Kristi.

Val and Kristi, partners in crime...perhaps not always in the figurative sense.

So, when I had a question about the future of my diary, I decided it was only appropriate to let the Number One Fan single-handedly decide its fate.

Rather than move to a swanky new address, Kristi, in her infinite wisdom, has decided that this journal shall remain here at forever. My year-long Supergold membership will begin in a matter of hours, financially solidifying this relationship until May 2003.

I regret to inform you that everyone who reads this now owes Kristi one beer.

In other news: I've discovered that when life moves so fast, it gets hard to write it all down. Stay tuned for the sequel to the Reunion series that began here.

< Regress - Progress >


Last Five Issues

06.17.04 - Caio is not italian for food

04.20.04 - homeless?

03.27.04 - best of

03.07.04 - production report

02.04.04 - milk, not buttermilk

All text and images � 2001, 2002, 2003