i'd need a butterfly net to catch more z's
05.18.00 - 10:51 am

Diaryland is just one dyslexic slip from dairyland. This amuses me, read on...

Dear friends...I apologize for my absence. I am tired and ineloquent, but I march on.

I have been in the trenches of commercialism, fighting for money and career advancement. My career still has not advanced, so at least I now have more money.

Over the last two days I worked 37.5 hours straight. That�s thirty-seven and a half hours straight. No rest, no naps, no stopping. Just the constant supply of Halloween-sized candy and the occasional mocha.

I think now I understand �a copy of a copy�. The way that lack of sleep seems to filter the world into simplified colors and a slower frame rate. You can almost watch the electrons travel along your optic and auditory nerves, like some bioelectric long-distance call.

Like drunk, without all the fun and flirting.

I am bio-eclectic.

Some people dozed off, I helped hang lights. Some crawled into dark parts of the tape library, I broke apart the masonite flooring and put it into boxes. I did this because I feel obligated to action and motion for as long as someone chooses to pay me.

At some point I was going over my petty cash receipts, trying to account for the $1500 that I�ve expended over the course of this week. Tabulating all the taxi rides, candy, tile flooring and shelving units. I distinctly saw myself copying the numbers down the page, but when I looked at the paper again, there was just a long horizontal line of what appeared to be Arabic characters. Apparently I dozed off for a moment with my eyes open, while writing.

This amused me to no end. So much so that I giggled and shared it with other sleep-drunk co-workers.

Sleep deprivation seems to make everything either dramatically terrible, or intoxicatingly funny. I like it when my world is funny.

After that, I was off to videotape a talent show at another agency.

I�m now rested and slow. Yawns and eye-crusties say �good morning� and �it�s nice to have you back�.

It�s nice to be back.

At this point in my life, money is vastly more important then sleep. And because of that belief, I am now blessed with approximately $425 dollars and four free boxes of Post cereal.

Eat up kid, you done good.

< Regress - Progress >


Last Five Issues

06.17.04 - Caio is not italian for food

04.20.04 - homeless?

03.27.04 - best of

03.07.04 - production report

02.04.04 - milk, not buttermilk

All text and images � 2001, 2002, 2003